Friday, June 25, 2010


Prof Shimon Sharvit has written many studies on the language of the Mishnah, and should be best known for his critical edition of Mishnah Avot. Bar Ilan University has just published a festschrift in his honour, and it contains several articles that look (from their titles) quite interesting. I'm wondering what Doron Ya'akov's article on the 'perpetual plural' in Hazal is about. Shamma Friedman continues to discuss 'hashash' (see his article in Leshonenu 50). Moshe Halamish contributes to the discussion about 'yadekha ha-mele'ah, ha-petuhah, ha-kedoshah veha-rehavah' (presumably, on the Hassidic tradition that reads 'ha-gedushah').
Of medieval significance are the studies by Mordechai Mishor (on grammar in Ashkenaz), Amos Dodi (on a 15th century Spanish siddur which contains the Mishnah tractate Tamid) and Hayyim Cohen (on pronunciation of 'Bore peri ha-gafen' in Ashkenaz - or was that gefen?).

Prof Jordan Penkower pointed out to me that the Jewish Study Bible is now available online here.

The Tammuz issue of Ha-Ma'ayan is now online. I haven't found anything there that interests me, but I'm sure that others will.


Blogger ADDeRabbi said...

I think I know what he means by 'perpetual plural' because it gives us translators fits. The Mishna does not instruct or command as much as it states or asks matter of factly:
"Me-eimatai KORIN?"
"MASHKIN bein ha-shlachin"
And the like. How would you translate it, "When do they recite?" "They may water irrigated fields"? It seems to be a rather unique tense.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous L. said...

You didn't like my response to Rav Ratzaby's Tshuva in Ma'ayan?

4:20 AM  

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