Shloshim for Rabbi Rosen
הרב מאיר ( מיקי ) רוזן ז"ל
רב קהילת "יקר" נתכנס בבית "יקר" ביום שני, ט' בטבת תשס"ט , 5.1.09 בשעה 20.00
ללימוד ונשיאת דברים לזכרו.
In a previous message I announced the publication of Hebrew Manuscripts in
the Vatican Library; Catalogue, compiled by the staff of the Institute of
Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts in the Jewish National and University
Library, Jerusalem, edited by Benjamin Richler with palaeographical and
codicological descriptions by Malachi Beit-Ari? in collaboration with Nurit
Pasternak, Vatican City, 2008 (Studi e Testi 438) . This catalogue will
shortly be available in PDF form on the website of the National Library of