Sunday, June 12, 2011

Valmadonna catalogue

The Valmadonna Trust Library, which by now is surely the most famous private collection of Hebrew books in the world, has sponsored several catalogues and studies of different aspects of the collection. A new volume has now been published, devoted to the incunabula and other rare printings. These include books printed on vellum, on coloured paper and on silk. Besides listing the holdings of the library, the volume includes studies of these different types of books by some of the leading Hebrew bibliographers of our times. Adrian Offenberg contributed an essay on the incunabula, Yitshak Yudelov summed up what is known about Hebrew printing on vellum, and Brad Sabin Hill studied printing on colour paper (I remember first seeing books with blue paper in the late lamented Yeshurun library). The editor was David Sclar.
The volume was printed in 300 copies and is available at or


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